
All About Mold Certification Training

Mold is a widespread and often misunderstood problem. It’s not usually dangerous, but it can be if you don’t know what to do about it. Mold certification training is a great way to learn about mold identification, cleanup, and prevention so that you’re not at risk of getting sick from moldy environments.

What Is Mold?

Mold is a type of fungus that grows in moist, dark places. Mold can grow on many different materials, including paper and fabrics. The most common place you’ll find mold is in your home or office; it’s also found outdoors in damp areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

Mold can cause health problems when it contaminates large amounts of moisture.

How Does Mold Impact Your Health?

Mold can cause allergic reactions, asthma attacks, respiratory problems, and cancer. It’s also linked to brain damage in children who are exposed to high levels of mold spores.

Mold is everywhere—in your home and office buildings; on trees and plants; inside houses or cars that don’t have air conditioning or heating systems installed correctly; in public spaces like schools, libraries and museums—and you never know when you’ll encounter it. If you’re concerned about the health effects of mold exposure on yourself or others around you (including pets), then certifying your knowledge may be just what you need!

How Do You Get Rid Of Mold – And How Do You Know When It’s Completely Gone?

Mold is not a living organism. It’s a fungus, not an organism in the same way that we are humans. Fungi don’t have organs like hearts or stomachs; they’re just cells that reproduce by dividing and sending out spores to grow new colonies.

The key to getting rid of mold is knowing how it works—and understanding what you can do about it once you’ve found it. You can’t kill mold with heat alone because there are so many different types of molds out there (some thrive at high temperatures while others prefer colder conditions). If you burn away all traces of your infestation but leave some moisture in the air or water around them, then those spores will start growing again!


What Is Mold Certification Training, And How Can You Do It Online?

Mold certification training is a great way to learn about mold, and it’s also a useful way to get certified in mold recognition and remediation. The main certifications offered by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) are as follows:

  • Certified Removal Technician (CRT) – This certification requires completing a one-day course that covers all aspects of removing hazardous molds from buildings, homes, and other structures. CRTs must also pass an exam at the end of the class.
  • Certified Environmental Remediation Technician (CRERT) – CRERTs are responsible for evaluating risks posed by indoor air quality problems. These problems include harmful bacteria growth in schools or hospitals; identifying sources of contamination such as water leaks; performing environmental assessments on sites where hazardous materials may exist; collecting samples for testing purposes during construction projects where there are potential hazards present at work sites.

Who Should Get Certified In Mold Recognition And Remediation?

If you own or manage a property, it’s crucial to know what type of mold is in your building. This can help you decide which remediation methods are suitable for your situation.

  • Homeowners: If you live in an older home that is often exposed to moisture damage, it’s crucial to understand how mold can affect your health and the health of those around you.
  • Real estate agents: When selling or leasing homes, real estate agents need to know whether there could be any mold problems before they sign off on an agreement with someone interested in buying or renting their property.
  • Property managers: Property managers often work closely with contractors who perform repairs on rental properties. They are aware of potential issues with these types of materials. It will help keep things running smoothly by providing information about issues early enough so that contractors don’t waste time troubleshooting later down the road after problems arise from improper installation procedures or other issues related directly back to the construction itself (like poor ventilation).



Mold certification training is the best way to get the most out of your mold remediation program. By learning how to identify a problem, understand its severity and scope, and address it appropriately, you can improve your home’s overall health and safety. In today’s world where there are so many threats on the rise – from climate change to rising sea levels – making sure your house is free from harmful substances such as mold should be a top priority for every homeowner.